7 of the Best Home Staging Tips That We Could Find Online


The process of staging a home can be a hectic one, especially if you are unfamiliar with the way the process works.

Thankfully, our industry experience has allowed us to develop a tested method that will help you to stage your home to wow a potential buyer more effectively.

If you are interested in getting the most value out of your home when you sell it, these tips must learn.

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The Best Ways To Stage Your Home More Effectively

Creating a more desirable home is all about the perceptions of the buyer. You can think of it as a little like when two people first meet, who eventually fall in love.

There is a courtship, so to speak that occurs, and the most persuasive people are the ones that generate the most interest.


Grab A Power Washer

You'd be surprised how many times we've seen homes that look pretty rough on the outside until they have been gone over with the power washer.

Often called pressure washers; these are specialized cleaning tools that use pressurized water streams to clean off years worth of grime from your driveway and the exterior of your home.

Best of all, they are compatible with almost any type of material.

If you've got something with years worth of buildup, go over it with a pressure washer and remember to take before and after pictures. You'll be impressed, and so will potential buyers.


Take Care Of The Landscaping

First impressions are everything in life. The same can be said of the first impression a home makes on a potential buyer. What's the first thing someone sees when they drive up to a home?

Trick question.

People see the lawn before they even see the house.

If you've got an overgrown mess in your front yard, how do you think it would affect your home's value in the eyes of a buyer?

Now let's do the opposite, imagine that you are a buyer and walk up to in immaculately manicured lawn with perfect landscaping details. How does that make you perceive the value of the home?

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Don't Forget The Windows And Gutters

Most homeowners are conscious enough to remember to inspect the major items in a house; however, some things are commonly overlooked.

Two of the most easily forgotten items would be the gutters and the home's windows.

You'd be surprised how much nicer homes look when their windows and gutters are cleaned. It doesn't take very long, and it could help.

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Remove Personal Belongings

When people come to view a home, they are most often impressed with homes that appear to be lived in but are unspecific enough so as not to become over the personal.

Take down some of the mementos around the home and try to make it a more neutral environment.

The house doesn't necessarily need to be empty per se, but you should try to limit the number of items that can be identified as personal items, so buyers are more easily able to put themselves in the position of being the home's owner.


Emphasize Desirable Traits Of The Property

It is no secret, every home has its strengths and weaknesses, and it doesn't do you any good to try and hide that. Instead, the more effective solution would be to emphasize the most desirable aspects of the home.

Place focal points that draw potential buyers' attention whenever they walk into a room with a trait you'd like to emphasize.

Showcasing the best aspects of your home never hurt anyone now did it?

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Strategically Select Furniture And Decorations Before You Stage

You can use the furniture and decorations inside of your home as a tool to increase the spectrum of potential buyers that your home would appeal to, or you can just let things happen without trying to influence them.

If you are trying to have the most effective viewing of your home each time a visitor comes to check it out, you think it is the best approach?

Strategically selecting the furniture and decorations inside your home to appeal to the wider spectrum of potential buyers will only increase your odds of finding someone who finds the home agreeable.

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Make The Most Out Of Whatever Natural Lighting Is Available

Lighting is an incredibly powerful force when it comes to the mood and ambiance of the room. People like to feel as if they are inside of large homes typically.

Even if your house is on the smaller side letting in more natural light can help it to feel as if it were more spacious.

According to some preliminary scientific investigations, natural light is generally a happier feeling lighting and has even been linked to increased levels of serotonin in the brain.

Boosting the amount of natural light you let into your home will increase its appeal to most buyers.


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